Fast 15 with Trinity Matika

Fast 15 with Trinity Matika

1. What is your role at The Print Room?

Screenprint Assistant

2. Share a portrait of yourself

3. Share a favourite place of yours
The Esplanade at high tide - preferably at night
4. What are your hobbies?
I love being in the kitchen, if I'm not cooking or baking then I’ll be tending to my plants, reading a book or carving a woodblock
5. Got any book recommendations?

The Secret Lives of Colour - Kassia St Clair

The Wise Man’s Fear - Patrick Rothfuss

or anything by Dan Brown


6. What’s your go-to coffee?
Small flatty


7. What are your all-time favourite albums?
AM - Arctic Monkeys

The Great Pretenders - Mini Mansions

Eskimo Point - Ginkgo


8. Your lifelong dream?
To own a Mustang by 25… might have to push that back a few years!


9. What are you doing to help the environment?
I avoid fast fashion and mend or reuse what I can. I also try to eat homemade, in-season, and locally grown food.


10. What were you doing before TPR and what brought you here?
I was studying for a bachelor of visual arts, majoring in printmaking. It’s such a niche subject, and working for TPR lets me expand on my practice.


11. Take a snap of something that makes you happy:
The first roll of ink on a fresh woodcut!



12. If you had unlimited Airpoints and could go to one country tomorrow, where would it be and why?
Probably Norway to experience the 24-hour sunlit days


13. If you could print for any client, who would that dream client be?
Metallica band tees!


14. You’re having a dinner party at your house. What do you make?
Some kind of fresh pasta with garlic bread


15. You’re allowed three famous guests at this dinner party. Who are they and why?

Marilynn Webb - she’s my favourite printmaker and I would love to spend an evening discussing her practice 

Paul Cocksedge - an incredible artist also focussing on design and innovation. His work has inspired me many times 

Jackie Chan - he seems fun and could teach me some self-defence!



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