Fast 14 with Jessie Hamilton

Fast 14 with Jessie Hamilton

Meet Jessie Hamilton, our account manager & photography extraordinaire! Jessie has been working at The Print Room for 1 1/2 years and is often the one who will look after enquiries & quotes that are submitted through our website. Jessie is an asset in our office team, we love her lightning fast proofing abilities & knowledge of current fashion trends. 

What is your role at The Print Room?
You’ll catch me upstairs in the office as an Account Manager!

Shoot a portrait of yourself

Jessie Hamilton - Portrait

Shoot your workspace

Jessie Hamilton - Wrok


What are your hobbies?
I love keeping active going to the gym and walks around my neighbourhood. Skiing is a must during Winter for me, also Traveling! which I hope I can do more of soon.

What's your favourite part of the working day?
Shooting photos of Tees is always fun, then editing them ready for our Socials. Responding to inquiries in record times is a fun challenge I like to set myself!

What’s your go to coffee?
Soy or Oat Latte when I’m feeling fancy but strictly Long Blacks at work.

What's your all time favourite album?

Your life long dream? 
I’d love to be a graphic designer for a sustainable fashion label, and design my own house!

What are you doing to help the environment?
I don’t often buy new clothes, I do my best to support local designers and small businesses when I can. Being mindful of waste, composting and recycling when possible!

What were you doing before TPR & What brought you here?
I was just finishing up my Honors in Communication design at the Polytech, and was asked to help out at TPR through one of my lecturers.

Shoot something that makes you happy
My handsome Freddie

Jessie Hamilton Freddie

If the borders were to open tomorrow and you could go to one country where would it be and why?
Definitely China to catch up with my relatives, it’s been a while.

You’re having a dinner, a party your house what do you make?
Tofu and Vege Dumplings from a traditional recipe my Mum taught me!

You’re allowed 3 famous guests at this dinner party who are they and why?Harry Styles, Rihanna and Vivienne Westwood.

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